Midland County Commissioners Court will meet Aug. 6

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Commissioners Court | Midland County Texas Website

Midland County Commissioners Court will meet Aug. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the court:


A meeting of the Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas at which time the following items will be on the agenda; to wit:

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiances.

4. Receive presentation on Highway Emergency Response Operator (HERO) from Permian Strategic Partnership.

5. Discuss and take action on salary supplement for Judges serving on the Juvenile Board.

6. Consent Agenda:

a. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

b. Take action on reappointment of Eddie Montoya, Alan Aaron, Rachel Stone, and Zoe Reyes as Board Members of the Midland County Housing Authority.

c. Acknowledge personnel memoranda.

d. Take action on out-of-state travel for P. Lujan and T. Meador to attend All-Rise Prosecutor Training in Oklahoma City, OK, August 12-16, 2024.

e. Take action on out-of-state travel for Kevin Bullard to attend Bomb Squad Commander School in Huntsville, AL, August 25-30, 2024.

f. Take action on donation from ProPetro Services in the amount of $2,000.00 for bomb dog program.

g. Take action on budget amendment of $2,000.00 for bomb dog supplies.

h. Acknowledge Monthly Report for JP 3.

i. Take action on court minutes from July 16 & 25, 2024.

j. Acknowledge damage and fleet accident reports.

k. Take action on use of Horseshoe for Emergency Management on September 4, 2024.

l. Take action on car rental for Election Law Seminar travel.

7. Discuss and take action on modification of HIDTA Grant Award.

8. Discuss an take action on purchase of decommissioned Colt AR 15 Rifle for Benny Matlock.

9. Discuss and take action on non-contract vehicle maintenance over $10,000.00 for Patrol/CRT.

10. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

11. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

12. Discuss and take action on engagement letter for the audit of Midland County by Weaver.

13. Discuss Cooperative Agreement with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

14. Acknowledge donation of 18 sets of manipulatives for children’s area at the library.

15. Discuss and take action closing Public Libraries for staff development/training on September 18, 2024.

16. Discuss and take action on purchase of Kubota Mower for Cemetery.

17. Discuss trees at Cemetery.

18. Discuss and take action allowing HR to use County Credit Card for Employee Relations Coordinator to receive Life-Coaching Certification.

19. Discuss and take action on Employee Community Engagement Initiative – Rockhounds game.

20. Discuss Emergency Management utilizing restroom trailer and move out to new LEB.

21. Discuss and take action on the following Units:

a. Unit 99027, 15665 and 99027 for upfitting.

b. Unit 40119 for repair.

c. Unit 55109 & 15627.

22. Discuss and take action on condenser water pump at Courthouse.

23. Discuss and take action on fence at Caliche Pit.

24. Discuss and take action on award of RFP 24MCO631 Moving Services.

25. Discuss and take action canceling RFP 24MCO627 Janitorial Services for Horseshoe.

26. Acknowledge Horseshoe 2nd Quarter Report.

27. Discuss and take action on change order with Danny’s Asphalt for Horseshoe lot damage.

28. Discuss and take action on updated Horseshoe Rental Agreement.

29. Discuss and take action on Horseshoe refundable deposits and added fees.

30. Discuss and take action on Horseshoe free events, fees and approvals.

31. Discuss Horseshoe Food & Beverage Proposal & Proposed Policies.

32. Discuss and take action on purchase of Data Center Core switches.

33. Discuss and take action on purchase of replacement AV system at Horseshoe.

34. Discuss and take action on purchase of mobile generator with COPS Grant funds.

35. Discuss and take action negotiating purchase of Crosstex and Ingrham Pits.

36. Discuss and take action on road dedication for Greenwood Country Acres, Section 5.

37. Discuss and take action on plat for Cobalt East, Section 2.

38. Discuss and take action on the following change orders:

a. Reece Albert for Construction of CR 120 Extension project.

b. Danny’s Asphalt for SET’s and removal of abandoned pipeline for CR 130 project.

39. Discuss and take action on deed agreements and payments to the following:

a. Roundtree for Right-of-Way for CR 160.

b. Neri for Right-of-Way for CR 160.

40. Discuss and take action on resolution for Safe Streets 4 All.

41. Discuss and take action on Green Light for Veterans.

42. Discuss and take action on agreement and payment to Senior Life.

43. Discuss and take action on Elected Officials’ salaries.

44. Discuss and take action moving Facility Horseshoe positions and funding from the Horseshoe to Facilities.

45. Discuss and take action on Order of Election for November 5, 2024 General Election.

46. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters.

47. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with County Attorney regarding pending and prospective litigation and other matters.

48. Discuss and take action hiring outside legal counsel.

49. Adjourn.

The next Regular meeting for the Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland County Courthouse.

