City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met July 1

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Scott Dufford, City Council Member - District One | City of Midland Website

City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met July 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the Commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 300 N. Loraine, Midland, Texas, at, July 01, 2024.

Commissioners present: Brennan Berry, Lucy Sisniega, John Burkholder, Abraham Bejil, Steven Villela, Dara Richardson

Commissioners absent: Emily Holeva, Adrian Carrasco, Joshua Sparks

Staff members present: Landon Ochoa, Elizabeth Triggs, Andrew Meyers, Diana E. Geerts, Daniel Humbert, Sarah Yeilding


1. Pledge of Allegiance


Receive comments from members of the public who desire to address the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding items on the present agenda for which public hearings will not be held. (Please limit comments to three minutes or less.)



The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items:

2. Motion approving Planning & Zoning meeting minutes from June 17, 2024.

The motion to approve previous meeting minutes were moved from Consent to Public Hearing in error. The commissioners discussed moving the item to Consent.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

3. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Jorge Chavez for a zone change from MF- 22, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to SF-3, Single-Family Dwelling District on Lot 8, Block 63, Park Avenue Heights Addition, Section 2, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of Bunche Street, approximately 380 feet south of East California Avenue.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the project.

There was discussion with Commissioner John Burkholder, Commissioner Steven Villela, and Senior Planner Landon Ochoa regarding how zoning was done previously and the need for updated zoning.

Chair Lucy Sisneiga verified that the applicant had applied previously.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

4. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Terrill Q. LittleJohn for a zone change from MF-22, Multiple-Family Dwelling District to SF-3, Single-Family Dwelling District on Lots 9 and 10, Block 31, Greenwood Addition, Section 3,4 and 5, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the east side of South Calhoun Street, approximately 160 feet south of East New York.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion for the project.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

5. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Leticia Juarez Gonzalez for a Specific Use Designation with Term for the sale of all alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption in a restaurant, on a 2,400-square foot portion of Lot 2B, Block 52, Belmont Addition, Section 21, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of West Longview Avenue, approximately 290 feet east of Belmont Street.) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the project.

There was some discussion between Chair Lucy Sisneiga, Commissioner Steven Villela, and Senior Planner Landon Ochoa over parking concerns.

Commissioner John Burkholder clarified on whether the applicant is a bar or restaurant since they are open until 2am, there is food being served during hours of operation.

There were no further questions.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

6. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Lee Sanchez for a Specific Use Designation with Term for the sale of all alcoholic beverages sales for on-premises consumption in a Restaurant, on a 2,173 square-foot portion of Lot 7, Block 58, Original Town, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located northeast of the intersection of North Pecos Street and West Wall Street.) (DISTRICT 3) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Daniel Humbert gave an overview of the project.

There were some concerns over access to bathrooms, use of the buildings lobby and exterior patio for square footage, as well as adequate parking.

Commissioner Brennan Berry is with the management company for the building and was able to speak some to the parking concerns. He and abstained from the vote.

There were no further questions.

John Burkholder moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

7. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by Marty Gautreaux for a Specific Use Designation with Term for the sale of beer and wine, for on premises consumption in a restaurant on a 2,650 square foot portion of Lot 5A, Block 1, Gateway Plaza, Section 12, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Starboard Drive and Liberty Drive.) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Diana Geerts gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

8. Hold a public hearing and consider a request by James Books Reeder for a zone change from RR, Regional Retail District, to PD, Planned Development District for an Office Center, on Lot 7, Block 3, Corporate Plaza Addition, Section 16, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the east side of North Big Spring Street, approximately 355 feet north of Fiesta Avenue.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Andrew Meyers gave an overview of the project.

Commissioner John Burkholder clarified that the applicant was changing the zoning for expansion of the existing bussiness.

There were no further questions.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks


9. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Repman Addition, being a 14.07-acre tract located in the north half of section 26, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P, RR Co. Survey, County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located southeast of the intersection of North County Road 1250 and West County Road 62.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Daniel Humbert gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

10. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Fuse Industrial Park, Section 3, being a plat of a 15.23-acre tract of land out of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Block 39, T-1-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of South Fairgrounds Road, approximately 395 feet north of East Indiana Avenue.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Daniel Humbert gave an overview of the project.

Commissioner Steven Villela asked if the street shown was an easement. Planner Daniel Humbert confirmed it is and easement and that Transportation and GIS departments have reviewed and confirmed the easement is available.

There were no further questions.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

11. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Zoo Midland Offsite, being a replat of a 4.352-acre tract of land out of Tract 4, Parker Acres, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of Todd Drive, approximately 420 feet south of East Golf Course Road) (DISTRICT 2) (ENGINEERING SERVICES)

Planner Andrew Meyers gave an overview of the project.

Chair Lucy Sisneiga confirmed that the use for the land would be a temporary holding area of the zoo.

Commissioner John Burkholder asked if the zoning had been passed previously and if the neighbors concerns had been addressed. Planner Andrew Meyers said the SUD had passed and to his knowledge there had been discussions with the neighbors.

Chair Lucy Sisneiga asked if a wall would be in built. Planner Andrew Meyers confirmed that there would be a fence according to USDA regulations.

Chair Lucy Sisneiga asked how long the temporary holding of the animals would be. Planner Andrew Meyers deferred to the applicant.

There was some discussion with Commissioner Steven Villela about the hatching of birds for the zoo and growing some of the resources needed to feed the animals at the zoo.

There were no further questions.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

12. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of 349 Ranch Estates, Section 24 being a replat of Lots 11-14, Block 2, 349 Ranch Estates, Lots 24-27, 30 and 31, Block 2, 349 Ranch Estates, Section 2, and Lot 28A, Block 2, 349 Ranch Estates, Section 14, a previously vacated .192-acre portion of alley right-of-way, and a previously vacated .65-acre portion of Washita Street, both vacated portions being located adjacent to said lots, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North State Highway 349 and Pueblo Street.) (DISTRICT 1) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Diana Geerts gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by John Burkholder.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

13. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of City View Acres, Section 6, being a replat of a 9.36-acre tract of land out of Tract 5, City View Acres Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located southeast of the intersection of S Jackson Street and City View Road.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Diana Geerts gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

14. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Moody Addition, Section 17 being a replat of Lot 1A and Lot 9A, Block 10, Moody Addition, Section 6, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North Carver Street and East Front Street.) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Andrew Meyers gave an overview of the project.

Alternate Commissioner Dara Richardson asked if there had been any letters of objection received, none were received.

There were no further questions.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

15. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of White Addition, Section 2, being a replat of a Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, White Addition, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of South County Road 1207, approximately 370 feet north of West County Road 116.) (EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Planner Andrew Meyers gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion.

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

16. Motion approving, with staff's recommended conditions, a Preliminary Plat of Heritage Oaks Addition, Section 9, being a plat of a 16.92-acre tract of land located in Section 25, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located east of the intersection of Barton Creek and Oak Creek.) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Senior Planner Landon Ochoa gave an overview of the project.

There were no questions or discussion.

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Berry, Sisniega, Burkholder, Bejil, Villela, Richardson

NAY: None


ABSENT: Holeva, Carrasco, Sparks

With no further items or business to come before the Commission, Chairwoman Sisniega adjourned the meeting at
