Kent Companies Donates $500,000 to Midland Athletic Complex

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Kent Companies donated $500,000 to the newly named Diamondback Energy Athletic Complex with plans to build a unique concession area.

According to Meredith Bright, Director of Corporate Communications and Brand Development at Kent Companies, the plan is to establish “a branded concession area” that is “smaller scale but similar” to the company’s local Kent Kwik convenience stores. The company said it “believes in fast, friendly, clean, variety, and quality,” and these will be applied “directly” to the sports complex.

Kent Companies owns Kent Kwik, West Texas Urgent Care, Kent Lube stations, and numerous other brands locally. 

Todd Watkins, President of Kent Companies, said his team employs a "get it done spirit,” and that they look for ways to contribute to the community. “We are committed to keeping all donated funds 100% local to West Texas,” Watkins told Midland Times in a recent tour of their Midland corporate offices.

E.L. "Buck" Kent began his business  in 1957.  He started Kent Oil and Kent Distributors, and started selling fuel. In 1975, Kent remodeled a gas station into the company’s first convenience store, changing the landscape of Kent Companies for generations.