Midland County Commissioners Court met July 16

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Commissioners Court | Midland County Texas Website

Midland County Commissioners Court met July 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the court:

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiances.

4. Consideration and possible action to terminate existing delinquent property tax collection contract.

5. Consideration and possible action to address the matters contained in Texas Government Code Section 2254.1036(a)(1) and approve resolution authorizing Midland County Judge to execute contingent fee delinquent property tax collection contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen P.C. (MVBA)

6. Discuss and take action approving Contract for Collection of Delinquent Property Taxes with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen P.C. (MVBA)

7. Consent Agenda:

a. Take action on personnel memoranda.

b. Acknowledge Quarterly Sick Leave Pool Report.

c. Acknowledge Quarterly Investment Report.

d. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

e. Take action on court minutes from June 25, July 2 & 8, 2024.

f. Discuss and take action on court fees for County and District Clerks’ Offices.

g. Acknowledge Environmental Unit Quarterly Update/Report.

h. Acknowledge Warrant Services Monthly and Quarterly Reports.

i. Acknowledge Constable 4 Monthly Report.

j. Take action reimbursing 4-H Assistant for attending Junior Nationals Show and Judge Contest.

k. Acknowledge Krista Chin as new Extension Agent for Family & Community Health.

l. Acknowledge Sheriff’s Office Report.

m. Acknowledge Detention fees Report.

n. Acknowledge C&W Fee Report.

o. Acknowledge Rebate Check from Ricoh.

p. Take action on Ricoh Lease Agreements for Copier.

8. Discuss and take action on Grade and Step for Randy Eggleston and Alma Acosta.

9. Discuss and take action on donation in the amount of $100.00 from Russ and Mary Beth Ubinger to Mounted Patrol.

10. Discuss and take action on donation in the amount of $140,000.00 from Bustin for Badges to the Sheriff’s Office.

11. Discuss and take action on budget amendment in the amount of $140,000.00 for law enforcement supplies.

12. Conduct public hearing on possible reduction of speed on CR 1065 between CR 160 & CR 135 from 55 mph to 35 mph.

13. Discuss and take action on possible reduction of speed on CR 1065 between CR 160 & CR 135 from 55 mph to 35 mph.

14. Conduct public hearing on the County Clerk’s Records Archive Plan as per Local Government Code Section 118.025.

15. Discuss and take action on County Clerk’s Records Archive Plan as per Local Government Code Section 118.025.

16. Discuss and take action selecting Salary Grievance Committee members.

17. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

18. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

19. Receive and acknowledge report from County Auditor for the Library Passport Audit Review for FY2023.

20. Acknowledge Financial Statements for May 2024.

21. Discuss and take action on Texas Commission on the Arts grant for 2024 Margaret Clauder performance in the amount of $665.00.

22. Discuss and take action on Lucky Diaz Contract for Project Literacy 2024.

23. Discuss and take action on updated PIO job description and restructuring position under Human Resources.

24. Discuss and take action on updated job descriptions for Death Investigators.

25. Discuss and take action on Vandergriff Group Architects contract for 509 Loraine.

26. Discuss and take action on chiller repair at Library at the Plaza.

27. Discuss and take action renovating elevator cabs at the Courthouse.

28. Discuss and take action on purchase of vehicles.

29. Discuss and take action on updated Horseshoe pricing.

30. Discuss updated Horseshoe rental contract.

31. Discuss and take action on purchase of Courthouse Camera replacement.

32. Discuss and take action on purchase of Cisco phones and licensing for new LEB.

33. Discuss and take action on purchase of Data Center Core switches.

34. Discuss and take action on purchase of UPS Battery backups for new LEB network closets.

35. Discuss and take action on purchase of Network and Access control cabling services for new LEB.

36. Discuss and take action on donation of plaque valued at $4,500.00 from Alamo Letter Society to Midland County.

37. Discuss and take action on resolution supporting plaque donation from Alamo Letter Society.

38. Discuss and take action on donation and payment of $4,500.00 to Alamo Letter Society for plaque to another County in Texas.

39. Discuss and take action designating officer to calculate the No-New-Revenue Rate, Voter-Approved Rate, and enter in the database.

40. Discuss and take action on proposed salaries for Elected Officials.

41. Discuss and take action on agreement and payment for Senior Life.

42. Discuss and take action on TCDRS rate and plan for 2025.

43. Discuss and take action on Cobalt East, Section 2.

44. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0725 to deliberate business and financial issues relating to contracts being negotiated.

45. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with County Attorney regarding pending and prospective litigation and other matters.

46. Adjourn.

The next Regular meeting for the Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland County Courthouse. 

