Midland Development Corporation Board of Directors will meet July 1

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Stephen Lowery, Chairman of the board | Midland Development Corporation Website

Midland Development Corporation Board of Directors will meet July 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:


In accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended, notice is hereby given to the public that the Board of Directors of the Midland Development Corporation will meet in regular session, open to the public, in the Midland Chamber of Commerce board room, 303 West Wall Street, Suite 200, Midland, Texas, at 10:00 a.m. on July 1, 2024. A quorum of the Board of Directors of the Midland Development Corporation intends to be physically present at the aforementioned location.

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At such meeting, the Board of Directors may discuss, consider, and take action on any of the following items:

1. Call meeting to order.

2. Motion approving the minutes of the June 3, 2024, meeting of the Midland Development Corporation.

3. Presentation from Midland Downtown Farmers Market on activities and events in downtown Midland.

4. Resolution approving the budget for the Midland Development Corporation’s 2024-2025 Fiscal Year.

5. Resolution authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement with the University of Texas of the Permian Basin to advertise and publicize the City of Midland for the purpose of developing new and expanded business enterprises.

6. Resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding with Starfighters Space Texas, Incorporated; and authorizing payment therefore.

7. Resolution authorizing the execution of Task Order No. 1 to that certain master research and development agreement with The MITRE Corporation for an amount not to exceed $375,000.00; said task order to provide for research and development, systems engineering, and related advisory services necessary for the furtherance of commercial space and high-speed flight operations in the Permian Basin.

8. Resolution authorizing the execution of a consulting services agreement with Hickman Group, LLC in an amount not to exceed $120,000.00 for retail recruitment services; and authorizing payment for said agreement.

9. Presentation on the June 2024 monthly expenses and economic development activity report from the Midland Development Corporation Executive Director and staff.

10. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.101, the Board of Directors will hold an Executive Session, which is closed to the public to discuss the following matters as permitted under the following Texas Government Code Sections:

a. Section 551.071, Consultation With Attorney

i. Discuss pending litigation.

b. Section 551.072, Deliberation Regarding Real Property

i. Discuss the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.

c. Section 551.087, Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations

i. Discuss business prospects that the Midland Development Corporation seeks to have, locate, stay, or expand in or near the City of Midland, Texas, and discuss possible incentives, and discuss contract compliance on the part of businesses.

