Midland County Commissioners Court met May 10

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Jeff Somers, Commissioner - Precinct 2 | Jeff Somers For County Commissioner / Facebook

Midland County Commissioners Court met May 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the court:

Be it remembered that on Friday the 10th day of May 2024 at 2:30 p.m. a special meeting of the Midland county Commissioners Court was called to order in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas.

The following members were present:

SCOTT RAMSEY, County Commissioner Precinct No. 1

JEFF SOMERS, County Commissioner Precinct No. 2

LUIS D. SANCHEZ, County Commissioner Precinct No. 3 – Acting Judge

DIANNE ANDERSON, County Commissioner Precinct No. 4

Recorded by Rebecca Blakes, Assistant Chief Deputy Clerk.

1. Discuss and take action approving the purchase of real property south of 1-20 for drainage purposes and authorizing County Judge to sign a contract and any other necessary documents.

Presented by Andrew Avis, Public Works Director.

Motion authorizing the County Judge or Commissioner Luis Sanchez to negotiate and execute contract for the purchase of certain real property described as an approximate 28.89-acre tract located at 3801 Jasmine Dr., Midland County, Texas; and authorizing the County Judge or Commissioner Luis Sanchez to negotiate and execute all related agreements, amendments, instruments, and legal documents necessary to effectuate the purchase of said real property; and authorizing the County Auditor to issue the earnest money payment in accordance with the terms of said contract from funds available in the contingency fund.

Motion by: Anderson Seconded by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

2. Discuss and take action on agreement with Midland County Fair. Presented by Jenny Hilton, County Court Administrator.

Motion authorizing the County Judge or Commissioner Luis Sanchez to negotiate and execute an agreement with Midland County Fair.

Motion by: Somers Seconded by: Ramsey Exhibit: 3-9

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

Motion to adjourn.

Motion by: Ramsey Seconded by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

Adjourn at 2:34 p.m.

A Meeting of the Midland County Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, on or after 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas.

