Midland County Commissioners Court met June 4

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County Judge Terry Johnson | Midland County Texas Website

Midland County Commissioners Court met June 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the court:

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiances.

4. Receive presentation on MOTRAN.

5. Receive presentation and report on County Animal Control.

6. Receive presentation on dividend check on behalf of Public Workers Compensation Program (PWCP) and USI.

7. Consent Agenda:

a. Take action on reappointment of Barbara B. Yarbrough to the Board of Trustees of PermiaCare.

b. Acknowledge Summary of All Collections for Tax Office.

c. Take action on court minutes from May 7, 10 & 21, 2024.

d. Acknowledge Personnel Memoranda.

e. Acknowledge Quarterly Investment Report.

f. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

g. Take action on budget amendment of $33,000.00 from ConocoPhillips Grant award for Emergency Management.

h. Acknowledge Extension Report and County Support Letter for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension position.

8. Discuss and take action on modification and de-allocating $11,080.00 from the HIDTA Grant Award G23SW0013A.

9. Discuss request for 2 interior doors and one-way windows for the interview rooms at the new LEB.

10. Discuss request for architectural modifications needed for Crime Scene Unit at the new LEB.

11. Discuss and take action on Non-Target Maintenance for Patrol.

12. Discuss and take action on purchase of SWAT 360 Unleashed Kit from State Asset Forfeiture Account for SWAT.

13. Discuss and take action on purchase of tools from State Asset Forfeiture Account for SWAT.

14. Discuss and take action on COPS grant application for recruitment for the Sheriff’s Office.

15. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

16. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

17. Discuss and take action on Exhibition Contract: A Celebration of Souls Day of the Dead in Southern Mexico and paying deposit of $2,500.00.

18. Discuss and take action on Horseshoe Director free event approvals and fees.

19. Discuss and take action on agreement with Teen Challenge for temporary labor at the Horseshoe.

20. Discuss and take action on United Private Network amendment.

21. Discuss and take action on purchase of Tyler Mobile Ticketing Software.

22. Discuss and take action on salary increase for Joel Patino in I.T.

23. Discuss and take action on handicap ramp at Horseshoe Arena.

24. Discuss and take action on Livestock pen repairs at Horseshoe Arena.

25. Discuss and take action on stucco repair at Jail.

26. Discuss and take action on A/C units at Extension and Culver.

27. Discuss and take action on RFP for Fence at South Caliche Pit.

28. Discuss and take action on RFP for Horseshoe Janitorial Services.

29. Discuss and take action on RFQ 24MCO623 Juvenile Medical Services.

30. Discuss and take action reassigning vehicles.

31. Discuss and take action on Memorandum of Understanding with Midland College for Surplus Vehicle.

32. Discuss and take action on agreement with iWorQ to provide GSI and County Asset management services.

33. Discuss and take action on change order with Henthorn Commercial Contractors for restroom at Facilities Warehouse.

34. Discuss and take action on change order with Reece Albert for signage and pavement marking improvements for safety at railroad crossing on CR 127.

35. Discuss and take action on change order with Danny’s Asphalt for payment and performance bond on Save Coat Maintenance project.

36. Discuss and take action on Work Authorization with West Texas Consultants for design and construction administration of Seal Coat project.

37. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with County Attorney regarding pending and prospective litigation and other matters.

38. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters.

39. Adjourn.

The next Regular meeting for the Commissioners Court will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Courtroom, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland County Courthouse.

