Too many pedestrians have died on roadways inside Midland.
Our growing community continues to face challenges with increased population and increased traffic. In 2023, there were five pedestrian fatalities. Through two months this year, there have been another three. One is too many. Eight in 14 months should be attention-grabbing.
Midland Police are working to reduce that number. Of course, there is a driver issue. Too many times, drivers are traveling too fast and not leaving enough time or distance to help avoid what are avoidable collisions.
But eliminating pedestrian fatalities also requires a change of mindset for those traveling by foot across the community. Just like drivers have been told to operate a vehicle “defensively,” Midland Police hope to send a similar message to pedestrians and that Midlanders will walk, jog or run being more aware of their surroundings, where they cross streets and the traffic on Midland’s roads.
Moving forward, Midland Police will be more intentional in enforcing pedestrian crossing violations, but educating Midlanders is a better way to start building better habits.
Midlanders need to know there is no pattern to the increased number of vehicle collisions with pedestrians – location, cause, time, etc. These life-ending events are a result of a problem that Midlanders can help eliminate with not only drivers operating their vehicles more responsibly but with pedestrians traveling with a mindset change – one that calls for increased awareness for the environment on and around Midland’s streets.
Midlanders should walk near roadways “defensively” and be more proactive moving from across the streets and roadways of Midland.
Tips for pedestrians and drivers to help reduce pedestrian fatalities
1. Pedestrians are required by law to cross public streets in cross walks and at Intersections. Crossing the road in the middle of a block is Illegal.
2. Look both ways before crossing the road. Do not expect vehicles to see you before crossing.
3. Wait for traffic to clear before crossing the road. It is hard to judge the speed of vehicles on foot. Vehicles may be traveling faster than one may think.
4. If young children are with you hold their hand. You can never predict what a child will do.
5. Just because you as a pedestrian may have the right of way does not mean you should just step out in front of vehicles. They may not see you.
5. Drivers should always be looking for potential pedestrians.
6. Drivers should heed street signs warning drivers of crosswalks.
7. Be on high alert in school zones -- children will dart out into the road with no warning -- and obey the speed limit.
8. Drivers should not be texting while driving. Driver inattention is one of the leading causes of all crashes.
Source: Midland Police Department
MPD: Mindset change needed to decrease pedestrian fatalities in Midland

Midland Police Department advocating to decrease pedestrian fatalities | Midland Police Department