Midland County Commissioners Court met Oct. 3

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Midland County Commissioner, Luis Sanchez | Facebook | Luis Sanche

Midland County Commissioners Court met Oct. 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the court:

Be it remembered that on Tuesday the 3rd day of October 2023 at 9:02a.m. a meeting of the Midland County Commissioners Court was called to order in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas. The following members were present:

Terry Johnson, County Judge;

Scott Ramsey, County Commissioner Precinct No. 1;

Jeff Somers, County Commissioner Precinct No. 2;

Dianne Anderson, County Commissioner Precinct No. 4

Recorded by Alison Haley, County Clerk.

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation given by Jenny Hilton, County Court Administrator.

3. Pledges of Allegiances.

4. Discuss and take action on use of Horseshoe for Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy Graduation on December 7, 2023.

Presented by Janelle Edwards, Training Coordinator of the Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy.

Move that we approve the use of the Horseshoe for the Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy graduation on December 7, 2023.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Somers Exhibit: 8

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

5. Discuss and take action declaring St. Ann’s Youth Activity Center located at 2005 W. Texas Ave., Midland, Texas as an Auxiliary Facility for National Adoption Day.

Presented by Judge Ellen Griffith, Child Protection Court. November 9, 2023.

Motion designating St. Ann’s Youth Activity Center as an auxiliary courtroom for the Child Protection Court of the Permian Basin and the 318th Judicial District Court on November 9th for the National Adoption Day Proceedings.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 9-10

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

6. Discuss and take action on proclamation for National Adoption Day on November 9, 2023.

Presented by Judge Ellen Griffith, Child Protection Court. Judge Griffith read the proclamation.

Motion approving the proclamation of National Adoption Day in Midland County as November 9, 2023.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 11-12

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

7. Discuss and take action on amended Micro Market Agreement FY 2024. Presented by Sheriff Criner.

Motion to approve the amendment to the Micro Market agreement.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 13-14

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

8. Discuss and take action reimbursing fuel costs to Transport Officer, Robert Haines. Presented by Sheriff Criner. Pilot card declined while purchasing fuel.

Motion to reimburse Robert Haines for fuel cost to transport officer in the amount of $89.27.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Ramsey Exhibit: 15-16

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

9. Discuss and take action allowing payment before services rendered to Main Event Sports on Air for Halloween Event on October 14, 2023.

Presented by Sheriff Criner.

Motion allowing the payment before services rendered to Main Event Sports on Air for Halloween Event on October 14, 2023, of $2440.00.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Anderson Exhibit: 17-18

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

10. Discuss and take action on Treasurer’s Reports for July 2023. Presented by Sara Gray, Treasurer. Reports for July 2023.

Move that we accept the Treasurer’s report for July 2023.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Ramsey Exhibit: 19-23

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

11. Discuss and take action paying down comp time accruals set by Personnel Policy. Presented by Sara Gray, Treasurer. This is from FY 2023 with the old policy. Motion to approve paying down comp time accruals set by personnel policy.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit: 24

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

12. Discuss and take action on Order Form for NEOGOV onboarding software.

Presented by Sara Gray, Treasurer. The current budgeted amount is $36,500.00. County Attorney Russell Malm mentioned a few changes that need to be made to the contract. Tabled.

13. Discuss and take action on personnel memoranda.

Presented by Sara Gray, Treasurer.

Motion to acknowledge the personnel memoranda.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 25-26

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

14. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

Presented by Veronica Morales, Auditor.

Motion to approve all line-item transfers.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 27-34

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

15. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

Presented by Veronica Morales, Auditor. Additional bill from Reese Albert in the amount of $422,637.31.

Motion approving the payment to Reese Albert in the amount of $422,637.31 and all the additional bills.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 35-40

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

16. Discuss and take action on vendor contracts for Horseshoe.

Presented by Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director.

Tabled for corrected contract.

17. Discuss and take action on additions and updates to Horseshoe policies. Presented by Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director.


18. Discuss and take action repurposing Horseshoe Maintenance Technician position.

Presented by Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director. Requesting to eliminate the third facilities maintenance position and creating 2 part-time positions. 1 part-time facilities position and 1 part-time business assistant position. 20 hours a week.

Motion to approve the repurposing of the one Horseshoe Maintenance Technician position into 2 part-time positions. Horseshoe Maintenance Assistant and Horseshoe Business Assistant.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Anderson Exhibit: 41-48

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

19. Discuss and take action on contract for Texas Workforce Commission Data Exchange and Safeguard Plan.

Presented by Chief Scott Casbeer, Warrant Services. This is a budgeted item.

Motion for the County Judge to sign the Texas Workforce Commission data exchange request and safeguard plan.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 49-55

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

20. Discuss and take action changing County Christmas Party from lunch to dinner on December 12, 2023, due to vendor availability.

Presented by Robert Segura, HR Director. Would like to change the Christmas party to a dinner on the 12th of December.

Motion that we change the County Christmas party from lunch to dinner. It will be on December 12th from 6 to 8.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Somers Exhibit: 56

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

21. Discuss and take action on use of Horseshoe for County Christmas Party on December 11-12, 2023.

Presented by Robert Segura, HR Director.

Motion we use the Horseshoe for the Christmas party on December 11-12, 2023.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Somers Exhibit: 56

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

22. Discuss and take action on Midland Christian Bonfire at 7310 WCR 44 on October 11, 2023.

Presented by Justin Bunch, Fire Marshall. We are currently under a burn ban. Midland Christian Student Council President addressed the Court.

Motion to approve the Midland Christian bonfire.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Anderson Exhibit: 57

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

23. Discuss and take action allowing Risk Manager to sign release of claims form with State of Texas.

Presented by Ken Colston, Risk Manager. A DPS trooper ran into the back of one of our Sheriffs’ Office vehicles.

Motion allowing the Risk Manager to sign the release of claims form with the State of Texas.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit: 58-62

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

24. Discuss and take action on contract for Facilities Warehouse Building Construction.

Presented by Jessica Buchanan. Public Works Regulations Manager.

Motion to sign the Henthorn commercial contract construction for Facilities Warehouse building construction.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 63-104

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

25. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

Presented by Jessica Buchanan, Public Works Regulations Manager.

Request for designation of location for crossing of a Midland County Texas road: 1. Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. on CR 1150.

Motion to approve all permits.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 105-107

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

26. Discuss and take action on appointing MCAD representative for Midland County.

Presented by Jenny Hilton, County Court Administrator. Westly Bownds of Frost Bank is interested in representing Midland County.

Motion nominating Wesley Bownds as a new MCAD board member to represent Midland County.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 108-113

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

27. Discuss and take action on evaluations for Department Heads.

Presented by Jenny Hilton, County Court Administrator and Sara Gray, Treasurer. County Judge suggested two members of the Court. Commissioner Anderson stated that it should not be just two members of the Court making the decision. Ms. Hilton suggested taking them to the Executive Session. No action taken.

28. Conduct Executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with County Attorney regarding pending and prospective litigation and other matters.

9:46a.m. go into Executive Session

10:39a.m. back into Regular Session

29. Adjourn.

Motion to adjourn.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

Adjourn at 10:39a.m.

