City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Oct. 2

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City of Midland Planning and Zoning Commission met Oct. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in regular session in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 300 N. Loraine, Midland, Texas, at 3:32pm, October 02, 2023.

Commissioners present: Lucy Sisniega, Adrian Carrasco, Abraham Bejil, Sallie Vega, Steven Villela

Commissioners absent: Dianne Williams, Zachary Deck, Emily Holeva

Staff members present: Landon Ochoa, Rolandrea Russell, Jeffrey S. Fisher, Alexis M. Martinez, Daniel Humbert


1. Pledge of Allegiance


Receive comments from members of the public who desire to address the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding items on the present agenda for which public hearings will not be held. (Please limit comments to three minutes or less.)


2. Motion approving the Planning & Zoning meeting minutes for September 18, 2023.

3. Motion approving a Final Plat of Tahoe Lakes Addition, Section 5, being a Plat of a 4.29- acre tract of land located in Section 1, Block 39, T-2-S, T&P Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of South Lamesa Road and Albert Avenue) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

4. Motion approving a Final Plat of Westridge Park Addition, Section 51, being an 8.677-acre tract of land located in the northeast quarter of Section 48, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas (Generally located on the northwest corner of Leisure Drive and South Loop 250) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

5. Motion approving a Final Plat of Lozoya Addition, Section 3, being a Replat of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Lozoya Addition, Section 2, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the west side of Farm-to-Market Road 1788, approximately 1,275-feet north of County Road 40) (DISTRICT: NONE) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve; seconded by Abraham Bejil.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva


The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items:


6. Motion approving a reinstatement with staff's recommended conditions an approved Preliminary Plat of Crestview Heights, Section 5, being a Replat of the north 14.92-feet of Lot 19, and all of Lots 20, 21, and 22, Block 26, Crestview Heights Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of West Illinois Avenue and North Midkiff Road (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva

7. Motion approving a Final Plat of Crestview Heights, Section 5, being a Replat of the north 14.92-feet of Lot 19, and all of Lots 20, 21, and 22, Block 26, Crestview Heights Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of West Illinois Avenue and North Midkiff Road (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva

8. Motion approving with staff's recommended conditions a Preliminary Plat of Pioneer Natural Resources USA Addition, being a Plat of an 87.55-acre tract of land out of Sections 33 and 40, Block 38, T-1-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas (Generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of North County Road 1140 and East State Highway 80) (DISTRICT: NONE) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Steven Villela moved to approve this request; seconded by Adrian Carrasco.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva

9. Motion approving with staff's recommended conditions a Preliminary Plat of Hines Addition, Section 4, being a Replat of Lot 7 and 8, Block 6, Hines Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas (Generally located at the northwest corner of South L Street and Rhode Island Avenue) (DISTRICT 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Abraham Bejil moved to approve this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva

10. Motion approving with staff's recommended conditions a Preliminary Plat of Villa Industrial Park, being a 15.61-acre tract of land out of the southeast quarter of Section 31, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR Co. Survey, Midland, County, Texas (Generally located on the southwest corner of the intersection of West County Road 74 and Holdridge Road) (DISTRICT: NONE) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Adrian Carrasco moved to approve this request; seconded by Sallie Vega.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva

11. Motion approving with staff's recommended conditions a Preliminary Plat of YMCA Addition, Section 1, being a Plat of a 25.195-acre tract of land out of Sections 23 and 24, Block 40, T-1-S, T&P RR Co Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Golden Gate Drive and Mockingbird Lane) (DISTRICT 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)

Abraham Bejil moved to deny this request; seconded by Steven Villela.

The motion passed by the following vote:

AYE: Sisniega, Carrasco, Bejil, Vega, Villela

NAY: None


ABSENT: Williams, Deck, Holeva

With no further items or business to come before the Commission, Chair Sisniega adjourned the meeting at 4:33pm
