Midland County Commissioners Court met Sept. 22

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Midland County Commissioners Court met Sept. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the court:

Be it remembered that on Friday the 22nd day of September 2023 at 11:30 a.m., a special meeting of the Midland County Commissioners Court was called to order in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas. The following members were present:

Scott Ramsey, County Commissioner Precinct No. 1;

Jeff Somers, County Commissioner Precinct No. 2;

Luis D. Sanchez, County Commissioner Precinct No. 3; - acting County Judge

Dianne Anderson, County Commissioner Precinct No. 4

Recorded by Rebecca Blakes, Assistant Chief Deputy County Clerk.

1. Discuss and take action on exception to Horseshoe policies for Wine, Women, and Shoes.

Presented by Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director. An exception to Horseshoe policy was requested for this event host (Midland Rape Crisis Center) to bring in outside alcoholic beverages. Commissioner Ramsey asked for an explanation of the event and expressed concern about the policy oversight. County Attorney Russell Malm recommended that they don’t make the exception unless the court is willing to change the policy. He added that best practice is to not grant the exception. However, due to time constraints concerning the event, an exception chould be granted, and the policy amended later. He also stated that Ken Olson had added this proposal to the agenda of the next scheduled Commissioners Court meeting. Commissioner Sanchez added that it was item #41 on the agenda for the September 25th meeting.

Motion to grant an exception to the Horseshoe policy for Wine, Women and Shoes.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit: 3-11

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

2. Discuss and take action on water heater at Detention Center.

Presented by Eddie Melendez, Facilities Director. Requesting permission to replace the 100-gallon water heater at the detention center. Commissioner Ramsey asked what the cost would be. This would cost about $19,000.00. There are funds in the budget.

Motion to replace the water heater at the detention center.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit: 12-13

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

Motion to adjourn.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (4) Against: None Abstaining:

Adjourn at 11:37 a.m.

