Midland County Commissioners Court met Sept. 11

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Commissioners Court | Midland County Texas Website

Midland County Commissioners Court met Sept. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the court:

Be it remembered that on Monday the 11th day of September 2023 at 9:07a.m a meeting of the Midland County Commissioners Court was called to order in the Commissioners Courtroom, located at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 North Loraine Street, Midland, Texas. The following members were present:

Terry Johnson, County Judge.

Scott Ramsey, County Commissioner Precinct No. 1.

Jeff Somers, County Commissioner Precinct No. 2.

Luis D. Sanchez, County Commissioner Precinct No. 3.

Dianne Anderson, County Commissioner Precinct No. 4

Recorded by Alison Haley, County Clerk.

1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation given by Pastor Pat Bryant, Travis Baptist Church.

3. Pledges of Allegiances with Midland County Sheriff’s Honor Guard.

4. Acknowledge Monthly Collections Report/Status Update for JP 1. Presented by Judge Edelmira Subia, Justice of the Peace Precinct 1.

Motion to acknowledge and accept the report of monthly collection for JP 1.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

5. Discuss and take action on salary increase for Gina Puckett-Leon with JP 1.

Presented by Judge Edelmira Subia, Justice of the Peace Precinct 1. This was previously approved for a former employee. Commissioner Sanchez asked if she had notified the other JP’s because this comes from a shared fund.

Motion to move the $4,000.00 that was going to go to Maritza Carrasco to Gina Puckett Leon.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

6. Discuss and take action supporting MCUD for water well drilling operations in Midland County.

Presented by Andrew Avis, Public Works Director. $7,750,000 from 605-015-00.7540. Midland County Utility District. Commissioner Ramsey would like to have an interlocal agreement in place before approving payment. Russell Malm, County Attorney and Veronica Morales, Auditor joined the conversation about approving the funds.

Motion supporting the efforts of the County Attorney and Public Works in negotiating an interlocal agreement with MCUD.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

7. Discuss and take action on FY 2024 SAVNS Grant Contract.

Presented by Sheriff Criner.

Motion that we approve allowing the County Judge to sign the FY2024 SAVNS grant contract.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

8. Discuss and take action on use of Horseshoe for Honor Guard Training on September 16, 2023.

Presented by Sheriff Criner. Multiagency training.

Motion to approve the use of the Horseshoe for Honor Guard training on September 16, 2023.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

9. Acknowledge C&W Fee Collection Report for August 2023.

Presented by Sheriff Criner.

Motion to acknowledge the C&W Fee Collection Report for August 2023.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Anderson Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

10. Acknowledge Detention Fees for August 2023.

Presented by Sheriff Criner.

Motion to acknowledge Detention fees for August 2023.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

11. Discuss and take action on donation in the amount of $20,000.00 from Mrs. Frank Cowden, Jr. to purchase trees at Fairview Cemetery.

Presented by County Judge Johnson and Jenny Hilton, County Court Administrator.

Motion that we approve the donation in the amount of $20,000.00 from Mrs. Frank Cowden, Jr. to purchase the trees at Fairview Cemetery.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

12. Discuss and take action on court minutes from August 28, 2023. Presented by Alison Haley, County Clerk.

Motion to approve the minutes from August 28, 2023.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

13. Discuss and take action on personnel memoranda.

Presented by Sara Gray, Treasurer.

Motion to acknowledge personnel memoranda.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

14. Discuss and take action on line item transfers.

Presented by Veronica Morales, Auditor. There were a few exceptions.

Motion to approve all line-item transfers.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

15. Discuss and take action on bills and wire transfers.

Presented by Veronica Morales, Auditor. There were a few exceptions. There were some additional bills, 1 for Facilities to send someone to training in the amount of $1,172.08 and 3 invoices for Pilot logistics SO Admin, JP2, and Constable Precinct 3.

Motion to approve all bills and wire transfers and also all the exceptions.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Anderson Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

16. Acknowledge Financial Statements for July 2023.

Presented by Veronica Morales, Auditor.

Move we accept acknowledge the financial statements for July 2023.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Call for item 18

17. Conduct Public Hearing on the Proposed Tax Rate. (10:00 a.m.)

County Judge Johnson announces a public hearing open on the proposed Tax Rate. Judge Johnson announced one more time, a public hearing on the proposed Tax Rate. No one came forward. Exhibit:

Back to item 18 when the hard break was taken.

18. Discuss recent activities involving books at the Centennial Library. Judge Johnson asked for those wishing to speak to remain respectful.

Commissioner Ramsey expressed his concern for the raid on the library by Commissioner Anderson and a group of volunteers. Commissioner Ramsey stated that anything that happens like this must come before the court. Commissioner Anderson responded by explaining how things got to this point. Commissioner Anderson felt that Ms. Garza the Library Director was not going to comply with the new policy that was approved in a previous court meeting. When Ms. Anderson went to the library, she and the group of citizens were required to fill out volunteer forms. Commissioner Anderson stated that she doesn’t believe that she did anything wrong. Commissioner Ramsey stated that it must be approved by the court as a whole. County Judge Johnson stated that he is appalled that a commissioner was asked to fill out a form for a background check. This was not an unauthorized raid.

Commissioner Somers stated that he has not spoken publicly because he wants to continue to understand it. He does not think that the public library needs to have inappropriate books where children can access them. He does not agree with how it was handled but he would not consider it a raid. We need to use the policies that are in place. Commissioner Somers read a prepared statement. Commissioner Ramsey stated that we already have policies in place, and we should use them. Commissioner Sanchez thanked Commissioner Anderson for her work on this topic. Commissioner Sanchez agreed that there are books that need to be reclassified and that he is not in favor of banning books. Commissioner Sanchez discussed the policy for library volunteers.

10:05a.m. break for item 17

10:06a.m. back to this item.

Debbie Garza, Library Director explained she and her staff have been working on the new collection development policy and was surprised by the new obscenity policy. Ms. Garza stated she had gone through most of the books that were pulled by the volunteers, and she did not find anything that was obscene. Her decision is to put those books back on the shelves. She is now waiting for a corrected and signed copy of the new obscenity policy with the date that it was adopted.

19. Discuss and take action on Library policy regarding obscene and harmful materials. County Judge Johnson called members of the public to speak.

Cathy Broadrick, Midland County Resident expressed her thoughts on how this has been handled. Let the librarians do their job.

County Judge Johnson asked Debbie Garza, Library Director if you can access porn on the computers in the library. Ms. Garza stated not that she knows of.

Heather Reed, Midland County Resident stated that she was here to fight for the innocence of children.

Heather Bredimus, Midland County Resident expressed that she believes Commissioner Anderson has overstepped her authority with her actions on August 30, 2023. Ms. Bredimus discussed updating the reconsideration forms.

Pastor Roy Smith, Midland County Resident stated that there is a higher order that we will all answer too. We better check our morals.

Heather Bostic, Midland County Resident strongly objects to the removal of books. She believes the library is for all citizens of Midland County.

Crystal E. McGinnis, Midland County Resident we need to be careful when you are bumping up against someone’s constitutional rights. She suggested forming a committee to debate when books are pulled.

Valerina Zarate, Midland County Resident explained her experience with the reconsideration policy. She pointed out that a child might see a book before they try to check it out. These books need to be in the Adult section.

Albert Zarate, Midland County Resident stated that the problem is when the policy is not followed. He thinks that it is unacceptable for these books to be in the children’s section.

Jamie Meek, Midland County Resident is opposed to sexually explicit material being in our public library. The children have a right to be protected.

Liz Bowers, Midland County Resident came today to be a voice for our children. It is our moral duty to save the innocence of our children.

Orpha Berry, Midland County Resident believes that we need to do better for our children. We need a new policy.

Chris Stonedale, Midland County Resident and Midland County Public Library Foundation Director remarked that this is putting a stain on the community. We must follow policy. I don’t approve of everything in the library.

Cynthia Wood, Midland County Resident discussed the Texas Penal Code and stated if an adult were to read one of these books to a child they would be in violation of the penal code.

Sherry Colwell, Midland County Resident stated that she loves the library. Her concern with the policy is that the books should be left on the shelves until a determination is made.

Cathie Broten, Midland County Resident was upset with some of the comments that were made and would like more time to speak. She believes she has been slandered.

Wendy Parsley, Midland County Resident wanted to discuss a book called Flamer. Ms. Parsley read some pages from Flamer. She believes this book needs to be flagged.

Michelle Allen, Midland County Resident stated she was one of the citizens that went to the library. This was a community effort not just Commissioner Dianne Anderson. This is an important topic. We need to move these books.

Sarah Fleck, Midland County Resident stated 10 random people coming in is not the best way to represent all citizens.

Jennifer Garza, Midland County Resident stated she was one of the citizens that went to the library that day. She pulled the book Flamer for reconsideration. Ms. Garza discussed her experience with the reconsideration process.

Kathy Young, Midland County Resident stated she is a frequent visitor to the library. HB 900 which was passed for the public school system should be the same for our public library.

Linda Griffin, Midland County Resident came to this meeting after reading the article about the situation at the library. Ms. Griffin does not believe that the books pulled met the requirements of being obscene.

Matthew Rist, Midland County Resident disapproves of any efforts to reduce the independence of librarians. Be careful what president you are setting. Books do not make people gay.

Pastor Michael Sanchez, Midland County Resident stated he hears a lot about policy. It is obviously not working. The efforts in this area are not working. What one generation accepts in moderation the next will accept in excess.

Beth Qudia, Midland County Resident mentioned the first book she checked out of the library and wishes clean choices would come back.

Maraima Zarate, Midland County Resident stated there is a graphic novel with a picture of a young girl getting raped. This book needs to be moved to the adult section.

Bonita Tribble, Midland County Resident stated that none of the books that have been discussed meet the requirements of pornography. People walking in and removing books is not what happens in a democratic society.

Chris Rodriguez, Midland County Resident asked the court who they work for. The citizens. There is corruption in this city. There is an agenda here. This is common sense, and we shouldn’t have this in the library.

Lacy Holloman, Midland County Resident is fervently against government censorship. The libraries are for everyone. The first amendment is for everyone. It is my job to tell my child what is right or wrong.

11:22a.m. take a quick break.

11:36a.m. back into regular session

Commissioner Ramsey stated that today he has heard we need a workable reconsideration policy. The policy that was passed about adhering to the penal code can only be achieved through litigation. We need to strengthen the current reconsideration policy and let the professionals do their job.

Judge Johnson stated that the Commissioners Court is the committee to deal with these issues. The Government should not be funding porn for children.

Commissioner Anderson stated she believes there is some confusion between the two policies. Commissioner Anderson stated there has been a delay in implementing the policy this court approved on August 11th adhering to the Texas Penal Code. Commissioner Anderson stated her personal frustration with the reconsideration policy. The policy that the court passed on August 11th can be accomplished without litigation.

Commissioner Sanchez thanked Commissioner Anderson and those that came today and spoke out on what needs to be done. This is the reason that we have open forums. I listen and want to hear what everyone has to say. The reconsideration policy works, and he understands that it is not getting done in a timely manner. Perhaps we need to hire some people to help the library deal with the influx of books that have been submitted for reconsideration. Some of the books need to be removed from the 18 and under section. Laura Nodolf, District Attorney cautioned the Court and stated that it is not existing state law. Commissioner Ramsey stated we should stand down, take our time and do it right.

Cindy Johnson, Midland County Resident stated that it is illegal to provide pornography to children under the age of 18. Can we simply remove the pornography.

Call item 23

20. Discuss and take action on Texas State Library & Archives Commission – Texas Reads Grant TXR-24007 in the amount of $10,000.00.

Presented by Ann Rector, Assistant Library Director.

Motion to accept the Texas reads grant program in the amount of $10,000.00.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

21. Discuss and take action on budget amendment for Texas State Library & Archives Commission – Texas Reads Grant in the amount of $10,000.00.


22. Discuss and take action on new Election Administrator Grade and Step salary.

Presented by Jenny Hilton, County Judge Administrator and Carolyn Graves, Elections Administrator. Would like the new Elections Administrator, Rosa Olgin, to start at the same rate as the current Elections Administrator.

Motion that the new Elections Administrator steps into the salary of the previous elections administrator at a 22.8.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: Ramsey, Somers Against: None Abstaining: Anderson Johnson, Sanchez

Call item 40 and 41

23. Discuss and take action on use of Horseshoe for 4-H Kick-off on September 11, 2023.

Presented by Steven Paz, 4-H Youth and Development Agent.

Motion that we approve the use of the Horseshoe for the 4-H kick-off on September 11, 2023.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

12:01p.m. break for lunch back at 1:30pm

1:34p.m. back into regular session

Call item 20

24. Discuss and take action on County Judge signing Horseshoe approved vendor contracts.

Presented by Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director. Approved vendor list.

Motion to approve the County Judge signing the Horseshoe approved vendor contracts.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

25. Discuss and take action on new Horseshoe pricing structure.

Presented by Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director. This is a new proposed pricing structure. Commissioner Ramsey stated that the County will be down in revenue without food and beverage. The rental rates have decreased. Questioned this business model being viable. County Judge stated that this was a good start. Cleaning fee options were discussed. The discount for non for profit should be only on the weekend rate at 10% discount. Veronica Morales, Auditor asked about the donations. Russell Malm, County Attorney joined the conversation.

Motion that we approve the Horseshoe pricing structure with changing the 10% discount to non-profits for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and Holidays only and deleting the 50% discounts to anybody. Then having a room charge for each room for cleaning to be determined.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: Somers, Johnson Against: Ramsey Abstaining: Sanchez, Anderson

26. Acknowledge Monthly Report for Warrant Services.

Presented by Scott Casbeer, Chief Warrants Services.

Motion to acknowledge the monthly report for Warrant Services.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

27. Discuss and take action on purchase of Audio Visual Equipment for 7th floor training lab.

Presented by Javier Chacon, IT Director. This is a budgeted item. Quote from REMS AV in the amount of $57,937.26.

Motion to upgrade the IT computer training lab on the 7th floor.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

28. Discuss and take action on purchase of fire extinguisher training equipment.

Presented by Justin Bunch, Emergency Management Coordinator. Training program will begin FY2024. We do have the funds in our current budget. $ 22,313.00

Motion we purchase the Fire Extinguisher Training Equipment for Emergency Management.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

29. Acknowledge damage and fleet accident reports for August 2023. Presented by Ken Colston, Risk Manager.

Motion to acknowledge the damage and fleet accident reports for August 2023.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

30. Discuss and take action on purchase of Tahoes for DA Investigators.

Presented by Kristy Engeldahl, Purchasing Agent. This is a budgeted item. Quotes for these 2 units ($35,966.45) with a total purchase price of $71,932.90 from Reliable Chevrolet using the Sheriff’s Association of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Contract.

Motion to purchase the Tahoe’s for the DA Investigators.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

31. Discuss and take action on upfitting for Tahoes for DA Investigators.

Presented by Kristy Engeldahl, Purchasing Agent. These are budgeted items. We have a quote for $9,948.00 each from American Emergency Products using pricing from RFP 22MCO592. Total $19,896.00.

Motion to approve the upfitting for the Tahoe’s for the DA Investigators.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

32. Discuss and take action on Capps Rental Increase.

Presented by Kristy Engeldahl, Purchasing Agent. These are budgeted items. We use Capps for 3 HIDTA grant funded vehicles. They are letting us know that they are increasing their prices by $49.

Motion to accept the Capps rental increase.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

33. Discuss and take action on award for RFP 23MCO611 Facilities Building.

Presented by Kristy Engeldahl, Purchasing Agent. We received 2 bids. Recommend awarding this project to Henthorn Commercial Construction in the amount of $1,335,000.00. There are some funds in the Road and Bridge infrastructure fund.

Motion that we award RFP 23MCO611 facilities building to Henthorn Commercial Construction in the amount of $1,335,000.00 and also taking $600,000.00 out of the Road & Bridge infrastructure fund to the Capital Projects Fort Worth Building.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

34. Discuss and take action transferring Front End Loader to Horseshoe and purchasing New Loader for Road & Bridge.

Presented by Ruben Mata, Road and Bridge Director of Administrations. Received quote of $260,152.00 from CAT and $264,000.00 from John Deer. The trade in value for the Horseshoe loader is $22,500.00. Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director joined the conversation. County Judge asked about looking into purchasing a used front-end loader.

Motion to approve transferring front end loader to the Horseshoe and purchasing new loader for Road and Bridge from Warren CAT and transferring $237,652.00 from contingency to Road and Bridge capital outlay vehicles.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

35. Discuss and take action on change orders with Jones Bros. for payment & performance bond and replacement of culverts/addition of SETs on reconstruction of CR 1050 & ECR 1110.

Presented by Jesse Ferguson, Capital Projects Manager. This is on ECR 110.

Motion to approve the change order to Jones Bros. for the payment and performance bond on the reconstruction of CR 1050 and ECR 110.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

36. Discuss and take action on Work Authorization with Dunaway for the following:

a. Flood study of Midland Draw between BI 20 and SCR 1150.

b. Schematic-level design of NCR 1160 & ECR 90.

c. Pavement and Drainage improvements to SCR 1160.

Presented by Jesse Ferguson, Capital Project Manager.

Motion that we approve the flood study of Midland Draw between BI 20 and SCR 1150.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Motion to approve the work authorization to Dunaway for a schematic-level design of NCR 1160 and ECR 90.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Motion to approve work authorization with Dunaway for the pavement and drainage improvements to SCR 1160.

Motion by: Somers Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

37. Take action on submitted applications for permits to use county right-of-way for utility and line installations, driveway construction, road dedication, and mailbox construction.

Permit to Construct Driveway Facilities on County Right of way:

1. Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent Westtex, LLC on SCR 1210.

2. Armin Rubio’s Concrete on ECR 120.

3. Migael Gonzalez Laen on ECR 120.

Request for designation of location for crossing of a Midland County Texas road:

1. Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent Westtex, LLC on SCR 1210.

2. Rural Telecommunications of America, Inc. on SCR 1120.

3. Unite private Networks on SCR 1180.

4. Unite Private Networks on ECR 120.

Motion that we approve all.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Anderson Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

38. Discuss and take action pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §81.005 setting the dates for regularly scheduled Commissioners’ Court meetings for Fiscal Year, October – September, 2023-2024.

Presented by Jenny Hilton, County Court Administrator. Commissioner Somers suggested moving CC meetings to Wednesdays.


39. Discuss and take action on Midland County Holiday dates for Calendar Year, January – December 2024.


40. Receive insurance presentation from Robb Pridemore.

Presented by Rob Pridemore, USI agent.

41. Discuss and take action on insurance for County.

Presented by Rob Pridemore, USI agent.

Motion that we approve an interlocal agreement with the Texas Association of Counties so they can become the insurance for the County.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Anderson Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

And I want to add for the USI broker agreement to be part of this insurance package.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Anderson Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

42. Discuss and take action on FY 2023-2024 budget items.

Commissioner Anderson asked former Commissioner Robin Donnelly of Precinct 2 to speak to the court on the benefits of the support of MOTRAN.

Motion that we put $20,000 in the budget for MOTRAN.

Motion by: Anderson Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: Ramsey, Somers Against: Johnson Abstaining: Sanchez, Anderson

Commissioner Anderson questioned the $50,000.00 in the budget for the County Fair. County Judge Johnson explained why it is in the budget and not in contingency. Commissioner Ramsey stated he believes that it should stay in the line item for the County Fair.

Commissioner Sanchez asked Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director, to discuss the new event ticketing software system. The price is $10,100.00 per year.

Motion that we approve the c-vent program diagraming in the amount of $10,100.00 for the Horseshoe.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Veronica Morales, Auditor explained where the proposed budget was and where we are to date. Sara Gray, Treasurer, explained the changes that are being presented. There is some difference to the divisions they were in.

Motion to approve the changes as proposed to the 2023-2024 budget.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Veronica Morales, Auditor mentioned that the 605 fund $7.75 million for MCUD, fund 289 $20,000.00 in landscaping for the donation received and accepted today. Health care fund 5605 health care administration the broker consulting services for $48,000.00.

Motion that we approve the 605 fund in the amount of $7.75 million for MCUD, the 289 fund in the amount of $20,000.00 for the landscaping at the cemetery and then line item 5605 706 healthcare administration fund in the amount of 48,000.00.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Anderson Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Commissioner Sanchez asked the other court members if they would like to add a Library Specialist II at a 12.1 to help with the reconsideration project.

Motion that we approve 2 Library Specialist II at a pay of 12.1.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: Ramsey, Somers Against: Johnson Abstaining: Sanchez, Anderson

Ruben Mata, Road and Bridge Director of Administrations asked the court again to move his staff up 2 grades. To keep the staff and to recruit new drivers. They are performing functions that are not in their job descriptions. County Judge Johnson stated that he believes that the story has changed. We can make policy changes to help with recruitment. Commissioner Ramsey and Somers stated they need to increase the salary for the CDL drivers.

Motion that employees of Road & Bridge, with the exception of one admin, go for a 2- grade increase from 15.1.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: Ramsey, Somers Against: Johnson, Abstaining: Sanchez Anderson

Sheriff Criner asked the court to reconsider the Salary incentive stipend program that was presented during last court. The Sheriff is willing to compromise at half the amount proposed. $100 per stipend. County Judge Johnson stated that they have supported the SO in the past with equipment and salary increases.

Commissioner Anderson stated that she will not be able to support this. She does really appreciate everything they do for the community. Sara Gray, Treasurer joined the conversation.

Motion to offer half of the stipend as presented. This motion was by Commissioner Ramsey and Seconded by Commissioner Somers. After more discussion and the break Commissioner Ramsey withdrew the motion because this was not for all law enforcement departments.

Carolyn Graves, Elections Administrator would like her grade 11’s to go to a grade12. Ms. Graves would like Rosa’s position to go from an 11.1 to a grade 13.1, Anease from an 11.4 to a 12.4, Beth from a 19.4 to a 23.1.

The conversation went back to the Sheriff's Office request for stipend program.

3:07p.m. take a 15-minute break.

3:22p.m. back into regular session

Sheriff Criner discussed increasing the Records department grade 11’s to 14’s. Commissioner Ramsey stated that he does not like grade 11’s but it needs to be addressed to all departments. There was some discussion about the entire pay scale being raised.

Sheriff Criner discussed SB 22 which is a state grant for $500,000.00 grant per year for the next two years to be used for Sheriff Office salaries. It would give them all a 3% raise at the cost of $501,579.00 with salary and burden. The County Judge stated that these funds could be given to the employees when the funds are received from the State.

Motion that we give the Sheriff’s office 3% raises plus the 23% raises for the Captains from the general fund and then seeking reimbursement from the State starting October 1. This motion was made by Commissioner Ramsey; however, it did not receive a 2nd.

Veronica Morales, Auditor and Sara Gray, Treasurer joined the conversation about SB 22 funds for the Sheriff’s Office.

Carolyn Graves, Elections Administrator would like to move the person (Kelly Graham) going into Rosa’s position from 11.1 to 13.1 and I would like to raise Anease and Beth.

Ken Olson, Horseshoe Director, and Facilities Director brought up the horseshoe parking lots and wanted to confirm there were funds for parking lots. There was a discussion about putting the parking lots on a rotation.

Motion to put $500,000.00 in the parking lots paving line for Road and Bridge road maintenance and material.

Motion by: Ramsey Second by: Sanchez Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Sara Gray, Treasurer mentioned that $4,000.00 was in the incorrect place. Motion that we increase $4,000.00 for the salary line for JP 1.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

43. Adopt Midland County Proposed Budget for FY 2023-2024.

Motion that we adopt the Midland County proposed budget for FY 2023-2024.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

44. Adopt Midland County Tax Rate.

Presented by Karen Hood, Tax Assessor Collector.

Motion that we approve the tax rate in the following categories: Maintenance and Operation at .00118298, I and S at .00002132 making the total 2023 Ad Valorem Tax rate at .12043033.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Somers Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Call item 24

45. Adjourn.

Motion to adjourn.

Motion by: Sanchez Second by: Ramsey Exhibit:

For: All (5) Against: None Abstaining:

Adjourn at 5:01p.m.

