Pfluger announces support for Biden impeachment inquiry

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In a news release issued by his office, U.S. Representative August Pfluger (R-San Angelo) announced his support for an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. Pfluger cited the president's handling of the border crisis and allegations of a serious influence-peddling scheme as the reasons behind his decision. The impeachment inquiry has been initiated by House GOP lawmakers who have been investigating the foreign business dealings of Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

Pfluger emphasized that the decision to support the impeachment inquiry was not a partisan exercise but a solemn constitutional duty. He expressed his concerns about Democrat stonewalling and a partisan Department of Justice, stating that it was time to formalize the investigation. The White House has maintained that Biden is clear of any wrongdoing.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) also raised the topic of impeaching the president, mentioning the need for answers to the accusations. McCarthy's comments came as the House grapples with keeping the federal government open. It is worth noting that only three presidents, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump, have been impeached, and none have been convicted.

The impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden has gained support from Republicans who believe that his alleged involvement in an influence-peddling scheme and the mishandling of the border crisis warrant further investigation. As the inquiry moves forward, it remains to be seen how it will impact the political landscape and the Biden administration's ability to govern effectively.