'Great people' at West Texas motorcycle club gift Odessa man tickets to first Cowboys game

Bailey ceniseros
William Bailey and Robert Ceniseros. | Do It For Bailey GoFundMe

A longtime Dallas Cowboys fan who has never seen the team play in person, will get to do so soon thanks to a local motorcycle club.

According to CBS 7, 86-year-old Odessa resident William Bailey will see his beloved Dallas Cowboys play in person next month after being gifted tickets by the Raza Style Siempre Motorcycle Club.

Bailey said he was floored by the club’s generosity.

“Oh, it feels great,” he said. “They are great people. I’ll tell you. They got to be great people.”

The biking club was in town for a Toys for Tots event when they decided to stop at White House Meat Market, where group president Robert Ceniseros had a conversation with Bailey, according to CBS 7.  

The news outlet reported that it was through that conversation that Ceniseros learned Bailey had never seen a Cowboys game, and he proceeded to offer Bailey and his wife the opportunity to see the Cowboys-Cardinals matchup on Jan. 2 in Arlington. The bike club set up a GoFundMe page in order to help pay for the tickets.

"I go, 'Mr.Bailey. Have you ever been to a Dallas Cowboys game?' He got a lump in his throat, teary-eyed, and he said no. That’s when my heart jumped out and I asked him and his wife if our bike club could make it possible for him, would they be willing to go and they said yes,” Ceniseros said.

Ceniseros added that the bike club enjoys giving back to the community “where whenever we see a need, you know, we do the best we can to fulfill that need and bring a smile to that individual or individuals.”

The Cowboys (11-4) are the NFC East champions after demolishing division rival Washington Football Team 56-14 on Sunday Night Football, and will look to keep their No. 2 seed in the NFC playoffs when they host the playoff-bound Cardinals this Sunday, according to ESPN.

“I personally will be driving him and his wife to AT&T stadium from Odessa,” Ceniseros wrote in a GoFundMe post.