Karen Hicks Ivy (deceased), Kenan Dee Indiv/Beneficiary Ivy, Trena Rene Ivy (also known as) and Trena Ivy Indiv/Beneficiary Mroczko sell 2822 Durant Drive, Midland

Real Estate

The home at 2822 Durant Drive, Midland was sold on Nov. 30 by Karen Hicks Ivy (deceased), Kenan Dee Indiv/Beneficiary Ivy, Trena Rene Ivy (also known as) and Trena Ivy Indiv/Beneficiary Mroczko. The property is appraised at $310,030. The buyer was Justin Primera.

In 2020, the property tax paid for this property was $4,280.61, which is 1.38% of the appraised value of the home.

The last time this home sold was Nov. 17, 2000.

So far in November 2020, 20 properties sold in Midland.

This story was found on BlockShopper.com.