Girl Scouts Desert Southwest Council hosts online video STEM expo

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Girl Scouts of America’s Desert Southwest Council recently hosted an online STEM Expo with Girl Scouts taking the lead on research. | Wikimedia Commons

A recent online expo on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math hosted by the Girl Scouts of America’s Desert Southwest Council took the unique approach of calling on the council’s scouts to act as the experts.

Participating scouts were first given instruction in understanding and implementing the necessary steps involved in a science experiment, as well as training in how to create a research poster to document their research, according to a Girl Scouts of America press release. Each scout was then given the opportunity to choose a subject to research.

A video compilation of the efforts of 55 Scouts representing 22 councils from across the United States was posted to Youtube, according to the release.

“Great job Girl Scouts!” the release states.

The full video compilation can be found on Girl Scouts Desert Southwest Council’s YouTube channel.

Topics researched included density of liquids, experimenting with fuel mixtures in amateur rocketry, and reproduction of viruses.