TENARIS: Italy’s President awards Tenaris operators highest civilian honor for COVID-19 service


Tenaris issued the following announcement on June 11

In a ceremony held on the Republic Day, Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella presented the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the country’s highest ranking honor, to 30 employees from Tenaris’s seamless mill in Italy. There to receive the award was operator Maurizio Magli who, along with his colleagues, helped to produce an order critical to health care institutions in the Bergamo region of Italy.

The 30 operators worked during the pandemic to produce 5,000 medical-grade gas cylinders used in ambulances and mobile intensive care units to treat critically ill patients.

The Order of Merit of the Italian Republic recognizes outstanding individuals from all walks of life, who have distinguished themselves in the service of the community. The honor bestowed on Tenaris’s employees in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis attests to their commitment to fellow citizens in the name of solidarity and constitutional values.

“When the request came to produce 5,000 cylinders for medical use in the shortest possible time, my colleagues, with whom I share in this honor, did not hesitate for a moment and volunteered to continue working on this order. Our staffing was at half of its normal level. Nevertheless, we managed to produce the required cylinders in half the time, while always working safely," shared Magli.

The Bergamo region was among the most affected in Italy by the COVID-19 outbreak, and demand for medical grade cylinders during the peak of the epidemic soared.

Original source can be found here.