Midland College and Black Rocket summer camps team up for virtual camps

Midland College is offering online summer camps this year for kids 8 to 14. | Pixabay

Midland College may be empty this summer, but it will still be hosting its Black Rocket summer camp as a way to help students learn, while also staying safe from COVID-19, Your Basin reported. 

The college will hold Black Rocket camp virtually, the story said. 

"If kids are interested in gaming, coding, e-sports or virtual reality, they will love these camps," Brenda Cordero, associate director of Community Programs at Midland College, told Your Basin. 

The college typically has the Black Rocket summer camp on-site, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, decided to take things online this year, the story said. 

“Black Rocket approached me and asked if I would like to do virtual camps and I thought ‘what a fun and safe way that kids can learn and and also stay busy,'” Cordero told Your Basin.

There are several different types of virtual summer camps being offered as well. 

“Science, technology, engineering, arts, math, it’s all of it! All included and also having a a lot of fun at the same time," Cordero told Your Basin. "It’s safe, it’s fun and you learn."

Since all the programs are being offered online, Midland College will be able to admit every student that signs up and registration is already open, according to Your Basin. 

“It’s $149, there are 20 camps and it’s for kids ages 8-14,” Cordero said. “They can go to our website at www.midland.edu/steamcamp and there they will find a parent online guide for the technology that is needed to be able to do these camps on their computer.”

The camps will be taking place from June 8 to Aug. 10. Each program will two sessions daily at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.