Midland County Jail doesn’t pass inspection

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Midland County Jail landed on the state’s non-compliant list after flunking its inspection in mid-February.

The jail didn’t possess the necessary preventative maintenance that can ensure a safe, secure and sanitary facility, According to a Texas Commission On Jail Standards report.

Many of the issues stemmed from electrical work and plumbing and lack of hot water. There were also some sanitation problems.

This isn’t the first time that Midland County Jail has found itself in hot water.

In July 2018, the jail was red-flagged for being short on the number of full-time maintenance workers. There were also underlying infrastructure issues.

The jail has "no more than a year to fix those issues and be re-inspected before that possibility could occur,” Brandon Wood, executive director of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards, recently told San Angelo Live.

“Most county jails issued non-compliance notices choose to have another inspection much sooner, usually within 60 days of failing the first inspection.”